Working with content writers can be challenging. They’re a special breed of writers dedicated to creating content that is informative and engaging, whether it’s in blog post form or a white paper.
Working with content writers can be challenging. They’re a special breed of writers dedicated to creating content that is informative and engaging, whether it’s in blog post form or a white paper. Content writers don’t just write blog posts or white papers; they also work closely with their clients to make sure the content is what they need and not just what the writer thinks they want. But this isn’t easy, especially if you’re coming from a background where everything is measurable in numbers. Working with writers requires trust, collaboration, and understanding of completely different fields of expertise. After all, you aren’t paying them for their ability to take instruction; you’re paying them for their ability to write well and understand your brand voice. Read on to learn more about working with content writers effectively so you can get the most out of your investment!

What to Expect When Working with Content Writers
Before you hand over your content marketing strategy to a content writer, it’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into and what you can expect in return. You’re getting a partnership: You partner with content writers to create content that will help you achieve your marketing goals. You can expect to see different types of content: The majority of content marketing strategies will include some combination of blog posts, white papers, e-books, webinars, and more. Some of the pieces are one-time assignments: For example, you’ll likely create a company overview or mission statement once and not have to do it again. Other pieces, like blog posts and e-books, you’ll need to create periodically. You’ll receive a variety of writing styles: Not every writer will write in your brand’s voice, so you may need to edit some pieces. You’ll receive a variety in how the writer works: Some writers are very structured, while others are more freestyle.
Define your goals
You’re writing for your audience, but you also need to write for your content writers. You can’t expect a content writer to understand your goals if you don’t understand their goals. Once you’ve clarified your goals and know your audience, it’s much easier to communicate your expectations to the writer. To start, you’ll want to know if you want a blog post or an e-book. Blog posts are generally shorter than e-books and are used to provide quick and easy information. E-books are longer pieces that are often used for in-depth information. You’ll also want to know the tone for your blog posts and e-books. Are you using industry jargon or are you using everyday language? Once you know these things, it’s much easier to communicate what you want.
Establish a process
It can be difficult to establish a process with your writer, especially if you have never worked with one before. One of the best ways to make sure you both know what’s expected is to create a checklist. For example, if you’re working with a writer on a white paper, the checklist may look something like this:
1. Brainstorm ideas for the paper and create an outline.
2. Research the topic thoroughly and compile relevant information, facts, and statistics.
3. Use an appropriate writing style and tone that is suited to the subject matter.
4. Use appropriate citations and references to support your ideas and research.
5. Craft a compelling introduction that will engage readers.
6. Develop a logical argument and support it with evidence.
7. Structure the essay in a way that is easily readable and understandable.
8. Proofread your work and make sure there are no errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
9. Ensure the essay is free from any plagiarism or copyright infringement.
10. Submit the research paper for approval and publication.
Hire the right writer for the job
The first step in finding the right writer for the job is to know what you’re looking for. Do you want someone who understands your industry and your audience, or do you want someone who writes well? Do you want an expert in your industry who writes as a hobby, or do you want a professional writer who isn’t knowledgeable about your industry? You can find many content writers on Upwork, Fiverr, and even LinkedIn. While you can hire a content writer who is based outside the country, you may want to hire someone who is local. This is primarily because it’s easier to meet with someone to make sure they understand your goals and routinely get your content.
Hold writers accountable
Writers are like any other employee: they have regular hours and work towards a certain goal. As a leader, it’s your job to make sure all team members are accountable. The best way to do this is to set regular goals and make sure your writer is meeting them. For example, if you’re paying a writer to create three blog posts per month, check in with them every week or so to see if they’re on track to have the posts finished by the end of the month. This way, if they’re falling behind, you can help them get back on track.
Wrapping up
Working with content writers can be challenging. Before you hand over your content marketing strategy to a content writer, it’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into and what you can expect in return. You’re getting a partnership, some of the pieces are one-time assignments, and you’ll receive a variety of writing styles. Before you hire a content writer, make sure you know what you’re looking for and how to hold them accountable.